The “Woke” Men Who Still Want Housewives

My husband and I have never had an issue splitting housework (we're gay), but I've had some interesting conversations with friends or at work. I was talking about having trouble picking out a chair for our place, and someone said it was just because we don't care about those things ("we" as in men), and that we needed a woman to help us. This also comes up once in a while when we talk about picking up house plants, or cooking.

But on that note, we also split tasks by what's important to us. I know someone who loves to iron her sheets, for example, but... there's no need to iron sheets. So if my partner wanted to iron our sheets, for some reason, he could take on that work himself . Similarly, if organising tupperwear by colour was important to me, I would take responsibility for that, and not expect my partner to do it. So in that way, I see it like there are general tasks that need to be done, and then there are little things that really don't need to be. We split the former, the latter goes to whoever the task in question is important to.

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