Woman calls out man who suggests that her public breastfeeding is 'too far'.

Don't touch strangers. It's that simple. Use your words.

No, it really isn't that simple, in fact I gave you a page to show as much, but you ignored that too.

That's what language was created for. We're not cave persons.

Funny you say "cave persons" when it's low-context cultures (Like America) that have this anti-touch thing and emphasis on words. (as in, simplistic cultures. That's not necessarily a bad thing, US culture is open to all as a consequence, but it's less developed and more anarchistic.) But you're basically saying only Anglo-saxon and north german culture is any good and everyone else is cavemen, you know that, right?

And, I can imagine if most women are grabbed by another person (in America at least) by their breasts, there will be some sort of sexual gratification attached to it for the assaulter and it will be sexual assault.

In America? Certainly at this time and for the forseeable future.

You're basically making the case for strangers to come up and squeeze your Adam's apple without your permission.

shrug So long as it's not physical abuse, okay. Also, it's not "Come up and." and you're the only one to mention strangers. I think i'm done with this tbh, you're not actually engaging beyond just repeating yourself.

/r/TwoXChromosomes Thread Parent Link - metro.co.uk