Women to earn more than men by 2024

The title of the article mentions "professionals", not sure what's meant by "professionals" or what % of all workers are "professionals".

The body of the article, which talks about actual numbers seems to narrow it down even more.

From the article:

US government statistics show that women in 35 per cent of professional dual-income homes are now making more than their husbands. That proportion was only 28 per cent five years ago.

It looks like they're talking about "professional dual-income homes", not all men and women. What percent of men and women are in "professional dual-income homes"? They're also comparing "professional" wives to their "professional" husbands (not say all "professional" women to all "professional" men).

I'm not sure how useful this measure is when it comes to whether or not women will earn more than men.

Also, what trends are being talked about? That 28% going to 35% over the course of 5 years? It's looking to me like the author of that article might have taken that +7% over 5 years, assumed a linear relationship, assumed it would continue indefinitely, and then calculated when that 35% would turn into >50%.

I mean just look, the article dates back to 2010. +7% over 5 years assuming a linear relationship (and is that a reasonable assumption, what are the chances that the relationship would actually be linear?) would mean +14% over the next 10 years..., well 35% + 14% = 49%, and 2010 + 10 = 2024. While 49% is not >50%, it's pretty close.

Unless I missed it, the article doesn't even seem to quote the demographer as being the source of this projection. Seems like the author of the article might have done it himself.

So even if women "professional dual-income homes" end up making more than their husbands in 2024, that presumably wouldn't apply to women who are not in "professional dual-income homes", nor would it be comparing a given woman's income to "professional" men other than her husband.

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