Women only want one thing and it’s fucking disgu$ting!

So you’re clearly gettin downvoted for a couple of reasons. 1 it’s a joke which I’m happy to explain and 2 maybe English isn’t your first language (I’m speculating of course).

The title is from a fairly well know meme about women teasing men. It usually goes “Men only care about one thing...(sex) which can be turned into all kinds of jokes.

This joke plays with this meme but flips it and not only that but it points out how ludicrous the premise is to start.

She has no objective in being a gold digger. She’s a cool chick and we went back and forth before this and it’s all in good fun.

This post is simply meant to point out the absurdity of one’s expectations. It’s just satire. Make sense?

/r/Bumble Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it