Women of reddit, what do men do that they think is okay but is actually creepy?

This is extremely subtle, but my husband has a guy friend (let's call him J) that tends to try and get super close to his friends' girlfriends , then starts liking them.

Eventually, he becomes just a person to vent/rant to by these girls, but he seems to feed off of that attention because he feels like he's saving them from distress. He has acted this way to me too.

There was also a time where J told one of the girls and his friend who was dating her, that he had feelings for her. Wat..? None of these girls ever liked him back...plus they were in a relationship.

He also remembers details about people that most wouldn't and brings these details up when talking about someone as if everyone else remembers. For example, I met someone ONCE at a party we all went to. Barely spoke to them and forgot their name shortly after we introduced ourselves briefly. A month after the party, J starts talking about that one particular person and says their name without any clarification of who they are. Just goes straight to, "I ran into Susie the other day. She's from Ohio. She's into archery so I might try that out too". When he's done talking, all I can say is, "who...?". Then he goes, "Susie! Remember from the party?".

He also watches a lot of online vlogs and game streamers and talks about these people as if he knows them...especially gamer girls. Him: "OAG made a vlog about her depression. It's so sad". Me: "Who or what is OAG?"

This dude is an odd one, he is.

/r/AskReddit Thread