Women who have been emotionally or physically abused, how did you eventually find peace?

My abuser was actually my father. He was sexually, emotionally, and mildly physically abusive my whole life. When I was 14, he stopped talking to me completely. When I was 15, he left, and my mom gathered the courage to tell him he can't come back. I never had the chance to tell him what a piece of shit he was and that is what killed me. I needed him to know. At 16, I wrote him a 5 page long letter of all the ways he hurt me and how it impacted me, and I emailed it to him. He replied, "I don't feel a need to respond to this," but I didn't care. For the first time, I got to speak without fear and I told him how I dealt. I know that he has to live his life knowing what he did to me. Yet he doesn't have any power over me. I'm healthy, I'm happy, and though I hate him and everything he's done, I don't carry hate in my heart. I'm trusting of people, I love deeply, and I know I'm worthy of love. He didn't ruin me. He's just an asshole, and I needed him to know that. After I sent that letter, I felt liberated.

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