I wonder why... Salon.

From left to right, top to bottom:

  1. Hopefully pointing out minor things some ignorant white people say that could be insensitive. I could see how the headline is offensive on its face.

  2. This is dumb.

  3. This is a pretty clear example of at least the benefit of the doubt right wing extremists get for their treasonous activity. I'd say being white was also probably a factor in their light treatment. Result wouldn't be the same if they were, say, black communists.

  4. Hopefully just highlights racial disparities or mistreatment in colleges in a constructive way.

  5. This is very stupid and divisive. Progressives aren't colorblind and aren't the ones failing minorities.

  6. Hopefully outlines specific policies that have affected white people beneficially. Otherwise, if they outline policies that only hurt minorities, would've been more helpful to say racism has enormous policy implications.

  7. This one is actually in defense of working class whites, ostensibly. Definitely not an attack or using the term "white trash" against white people.

  8. Talk about white people how you would talk about pretty much any racial majority...

  9. While there is an abnormal amount of random mass shootings by white males, the overall gun killing stats do not point towards white males "killing us" in a general sense that is applicable to white mass murders, if that was the intention.

  10. This is clearly defending white people and explaining why Trump is bad for working class whites.

  11. This could be an interesting analysis about how the country responds to the opioid epidemic, in contrast to say the crack epidemic of the 80s/90s if done properly.

  12. Political correctness as a term is obviously overused and sometimes gives cover to racists.

  13. I don't think white men are waging a war on cops.

  14. "White men must be stopped:..." This is the most blatantly racist one I've seen here, and the first one that actually looks like a completely indefensible headline.

  15. This is an accurate description of Elliot Rodgers if you add "incel" to it as well.

  16. It's not always a white guy.

  17. "What would a white man do?", Idk give me a situation?

  18. "The plague..." Could be an interesting article.

  19. "Condemn white supremacy?"... I don't think anyone deserves "special" credit for condemning white supremacy. Everyone should be united against racist, divisive pseudoscience or policy.

/r/samharris Thread Link - i.redd.it