Working hard 24/7

I think it’s basically a sort of careless confidence that people interpret as a dude who knows he has a giant dick. Not trying too hard. Easy to identify but very difficult to describe.

Comes from Pete Davidson. Who is very attractive, but it was hard to pinpoint what made him super attractive until Ariana Grande said he was huge. And then a lot of women were like, “oh, that makes sense; he’s got that BDE.”

Note that there are a lot of guys with big dicks who are total assholes or think that they don’t have to do anything in bed because they have big dicks. They don’t have Big Dick Energy. There are also guys who don’t have huge dicks who do have Big Dick Energy, and you just know they make their ladies happy.

There are some journalists who tried to say that women can have it, but I firmly disagree.

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