The world of (roughly) the 22nd century, in the novel Last and First Men (1930) [1357x617]


Last and First men is a unique sci-fi novel that covers billions of years of future history. The third chapter describes the world a century or two from now (about two or three centuries from the author's perspective).

A huge war between Europe and America has left Europe devastated, leaving America the dominant cultural and poltical power of the world. The "bedridden remains of Western Europe, and part of the soulless body that was Russia" soon become American allies. In the western hemisphere, American imperialism culminates in the North and South American War, which unites all of the Americas under the American Continental Federation. American oppression of Japan leads to a revolution and Japan moving into China's sphere of influence (the Asiatic Confederation). India sides with China, fearing American influence, and so do most of the African nations for similar reasons.

The result is a world divided into two power blocs, both trying to use the League of Nations to further their own ends. At one point America leaves the League as it's dominated by China. Later China and America have their own Leagues of Nations, both claiming to be the legimitate one.

I think the fact that a book written in the 30s depicted a cold-war type conflict is really awesome, especially because of the current rivalry between America and China, and China's currently growing influence in Asia and Africa. Of course, the book also gets a huge amount wrong, like no WW2 and no nuclear weapons (poison gas is the superweapon). Later, the book's scope gets bigger and bigger, including the extinction of our human species and the histories of 17 further species descended from us. Worth a read for the ridiculous level of imagination on display.

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