Largest ancestry by county

No, you pseud. I never stated that the Scots irish were at all similar to the Puritans or the anglicans (who were equally as violent as the scots irish) but to imply that they were primarily scottish is bullshit. Huge amounts came from Northumberland, westmoreland, durham, cumberland, yorkshire, lancashire, nottinghamshire as came from the lowlands of scotland

"Early in the twentieth century the English folklorist Cecil Sharp left his home in Stratford-on-Avon and spent many months in America’s Appalachian highlands, collecting the songs and dances of the back settlers. After careful comparison with British materials, he wrote of these people:

"From an analysis of their traditional songs, ballads, dances, singing-games, etc. … they came from a part of England where the civilization was least developed—probably the North of England, or the Border country between Scotland and England"

.1 This border region included six counties in the far north of England: Cumberland, Westmorland and parts of Lancashire on the western side of the Pennines; Northumberland, Durham and parts of Yorkshire to the east. It also embraced five counties of southern Scotland—Ayr, Dumfries, Wigtown, Roxburgh and Berwick. During the seventeenth century, its culture was carried westward across the Irish Sea to five counties of Ulster —Derry, Down, Armagh, Antrim and Tyrone.2 Within this region the North British emigration to America drew heavily from counties that touched upon the Irish Sea—Ayr, Dumfries and Wigtown in Scotland; Cumberland and Westmorland in England; Derry, Antrim and Down in Ireland. The sea itself united its surrounding lands in a single cultural region."

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