World Trade Center: Anatomy Of The Collapse (2002) [45:53] - This film focuses on the history of the twin towers, including their design and construction, the terrorist attack in 1993, and their structural failure on 9/11 (complete with CGI recreations and testimony from architects and engineers)

For everyone who thinks the official story is undeniable fact, why are eyewitness reports dismissed due to not fitting the governments narrative.

There are several videos of explosions, and reports of explosions at ground level. People there on the day reporting the lobby was involved in an explosion and having to step over bodies as they left.

Why doesn't the pentagon release video footage of the plane hitting it's building. Why does it look more like a missile than a massive plane vanishing into the building.

Flight 93 also left a very unusual hole in the ground. I remember on the day noting that you didn't see anything more than a hole in the ground. But the official story is that is wasn't even shot down.

The evidence that showed the identification of the hijackers came from passports they later found at ground zero. Really? And, why did many of them turn up alive later.

What is going on with the story about that jets weren't sent to intercept due to thinking it was a training procedure, that just so happened to involved commercial jets hitting buildings. that is quite a coincidence.

The terrorist pilots were said to be terrible at flying, when in America learning to fly little planes. Is flying a passenger jet really that easy? You just steer it towards the big building? They would have to be competent pilots to fly a passenger jet surely, can it be something you do with no experience.

Fires were said to be so hot they weakened/melted steel. Yet there are eye witness accounts of people walking down from above the floors that were hit, and photographs of people at the window on the very floors of impact. They smoke was the colour you would usually associate with a relatively cool fire.

There are accounts of liquid steel burning for weeks after the event.

Video footage of what looks to be thermite, which would certainly explain the pools of liquid metal.

Whether jet fuel melts, or weakens steel beams is such a small part of the whole day's tragic events.

I don't think 'the jews' did it. or that the government planned it out without anyone finding out. But I don't buy the official government story either. Both seem bizarre.

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