World Vegan Day, 1st November. Hope for a world where non-human animals aren't seen as mere commodities and ingredients for cult, culture, momentary palate pleasure, vanity, etc. Live and let them live! Stay vegan!

That statement is so true! I've never seen a vegan say that animal life is more important than human life. All we say is that animal life is infinitely more important than our taste buds and entertainment. I'm tired of people telling me vegans are bad because we value non human life over human life, they couldn't get more wrong! Everyone wants human murderers and people who inflict pain on humans to go to jail. If we wish the same on non vegans, majority of humans would be in jail. All we ask them is to stop their atrocities. We never asked them to suffer or go to jail, just stop this monstrosity! Live and let live! Happy vegan day!

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