The World's Poorest People Are Getting Richer Faster

Holy shit this is cancerous to intelligent discourse. The poorest countries are regulated by international groups, not local government, through the IMW, World Bank, and other organizations who after WWII and anti-colonial independence movements set about "modernizing" the non-Western world at the cost of loans/aid which come with insane requirements. Venezuela is not a one-product economy because they thought it was a good plan, but because their financial aid packages are reliant upon their continued production of oil for others. This is true all down the line. Not to mention, there is absolutely zero faith to an argument claiming business regulation results in poor economies, if you doubt that feel free to look at any Scandinavian country or even China. Capitalism does not exist, corporatism exists, and it is a bastardization of the premise of capitalism to the benefit of the very very few, and does not in any way raise the standard of living for those in poverty, and in fact seeks to increase this without strong regulation as the ideal outcome for a corporation is the ability to use slave labor again. Short of that they will settle for the lowest legal amount they can possibly pay for their labor. Stop idolizing money and the disgrace of a system that it led to.

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