Worried I’m going to lose a new relationship (2months ish) due to issues in bed. Need advice on how to discuss it with her and if there’s any future

You know the pill can affect some people really badly and she said she has issues with it? it sounds pretty shit she had to alter her hormones and put her physical and mental health at risk just because you can’t use condoms. How did that discussion go, did you ask her or did she decide by herself ? Also considering you haven’t been together very long and from the sounds of it didn’t try to have sex with condoms with her before she went on the pill again, it all sounds a bit unfair on her,I don’t know. Maybe she’s been thinking about that, or maybe the pill is affecting her mood, like she already told you it has in the past before. Or do you think it’s all about because you couldn’t have sex? How did she react on the night when you couldn’t ?

/r/relationship_advice Thread