I would like to have a mistweaver monk pve discussion. I am looking to main one, and would appreciate any and l insight

I leveled my Monk as a Mistweaver and only with 6.0 switched to maining a Windwalker. Guild had a glut of healers and I am pretty good at Windwalkering, so I made the switch.

I just recently decided to revisit my Mistweaver and found that with 6.0 I was awful. Turns out I was trying to heal the way we did before 6.0.

For the life of me, I cannot find the link I have bookmarked at home, but I found a guide that explained the changes. I'm going off memory here but here's what I remember.

I will say, my hps has jumped significantly, so it must be sorta right?

Talents are, Celerity, Chi Burst, Chi Brew, Whatever you like, Diffuse Magic unless the boss hits very hard, then Dampen Harm, Chi Torpedo for low aoe fights, Rushing Jade Wind for high, and Pool of Mists.

Glyphs should be Soothing Mist, Targeted Expulsion or Detox, and Renewing Mist.

This guide also set this as the stat priority. Int>Multi=crit, haste, mastery, spirit.

Crit is our Mana regen. Chi Brew and Healing Surge are our sources of Mana so, spirit becomes almost pointless.

From playing around with it, I don't have much problems with mana and just setting Renewing Mist on a few before the pull ensures I have enough to uplift asap.

The three stacks of Roll set to Chi Torpedo gives me a free aoe heal if I charge through the melee and pull a quick 180.

Never using any chi builders when I am at three chi is the main thing I am working on. You never wanna do that. Try to keep your chi at 2, 4 only when about to uplift spam. Also trying to always have one charge of Chi Brew ready, just in case.

Chi Burst feels like a much stronger Divine Star with a longer cooldown. They really buffed that talent. Shoot it into melee and follow it with Chi Torpedo. Full health melee ensues.

Expel Harm on cooldown.

I dunno, I am still relearning and resetting macros and keybinds, but I can definitely get used to this.

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