would r/all like to see a video of Israeli snipers shooting children playing, then laughing after the fact?

Is anyone able to provide proof that the country of israel actual existed in biblical times? By proof I am referring to an official document of any kind that validates either by non-religious decree or third party observation from surrounding countries that the nation of israel existed prior to WW2. The bible is a fictional story and cannot be used as historical fact. And the dead sea scrolls are a joke - a hoax - and as such, are inadmissible. There is no valid civic record of any kind of the existence of israel prior to 1948, anywhere. Again, religious documents are of no value and cannot be used as proof of anything. Which leads me to question why the fuck these animals were given a safe space in which to live and do their bidding - like murder children, bomb other countries, etc - in the first place? They are ungrateful snobs who do not deserve to have a home. The land they stole should be given back to the Palestinian people.

/r/conspiracy Thread Link - youtube.com