Why would someone need to own a gun in 2023?

Here’s a brief history lesson for you when power shifts from people to government. No government has willingly given up the power it’s amassed without violent revolution.

1911 Turkey established gun control and between 1915-1917 1.5 million Armenians were murdered

1929 Soviet Union established gun control from 1929-53 20 million dissidents were killed

1935 China established gun control between 1948-52 20 million citizens were automatically killed. Also current genocide on unarmed citizens

1938 Germany established gun control 1939-45 13 million Jews and other Europeans were killed

1964 Guatemala established gun control and between 64-81 100,000 Myan Indians were rounded up and killed

Uganda did the same in 1970 and between 71-79 300,000 Christians killed

Cambodia in 1956, between 1975-77 1 million people exterminated

Rwanda institute strict gun control in 1979. In 1994 800,000 killed in 100 days. Used propaganda notably.

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