[WP] 250 years from now, your great^9 grand daughter asks you to tell her a story about your life.

Sarah loves when I tell her stories. Especially about the old times, devoid of intimate “little white lies,” when Sarah could’ve gone to school without paying a single bill, socializing while living a good life. When she could’ve asked a know-it-all program instead of people just as confused as she. When she could’ve talked to her long-gone grandfather while he was out exploring the uninhabitable jungles. Alas, only I was alive in those times, and if it wasn’t for Sarah no-one would be. But she still loves to hear the stories of the old times. And she loves it when I tell her about my life. Of course, I barely remember much, but how much can you remember? I asked her to rethink, but she insisted on an autobiography. Was I to disappoint her? So this is her story.

When I was little, I lived in Japan. There was this woman named “Okawa Misao,” who was 116 years old, and she lived right next to us. I would go visit her and give her flowers every day, and she would tell me how to stay healthy. I used to like staying healthy. But now I like staying with Sarah.

One day Ms. Misao went very far away, and passed out of this world, and no-one knew where she went. Everyone was very sad. Her great grand daughters put her statue in a yard to remember her forever. They also put a tall stone. They called it “grave,” and told me that people were going to put smaller “graves” in the yard, and it would turn into a “graveyard.” I was very sad.

The next day my parents took me to a very high school. They said it was called “High School,” which seemed very obvious to me. There were a lot of people inside studying with their teachers, and I wanted to be one of them. So I sat next to a teacher and learned math, history, and science. It was very fun, and that’s why I want you to learn them too, Sarah.

I stayed there for a very long time, until my parents took me to a new place called “collage". They said I would sit there for 4 years taking tests and more tests. I didn’t like it. It wasn’t fun, but it made sure I was successful in life. That’s why I want you to go there too, Sarah. To be successful in life.

I didn’t notice, but high school was just 4 years of preparing me for going to collage. Someone told me that half way through the tests. In the tests I also met a girl named Sarah. She was very pretty, just like you. We finished the collage together. Then my parents took me & Sarah back home.

They said that I could do whatever I wanted now, and that they had no certain say in my life after this point, and that they would just be lovers & advisors. So I had a talk with Sarah and we decided we would fly all the way across the ocean in a plane to get a job. Getting a job means you can earn money to feed yourself and your family. Collage taught me how to do that. So we traveled all the way to here and I got a job in science, which was really fun. We had a little baby boy named Michael.

For 20 years we raised Michael up, until he finished collage. I told him everything my parents told me. He started working and had a boy too! We didn’t have any bad people in the family, and this went on and on and on. I got really old, and everyone started taking care of me. It felt very nice.

Then Sarah went very far away, just like Ms. Misao when I was little. I was very very sad, so I stood up for the first time in a very long time and made another grave for her. Then your mother had you. You were just as beautiful as old Sarah was, so we named you after her.

And that is how you came to be.

“Again! Again! AGAIN!!!”<br/> Oh Sarah, we can’t just have another life to tell stories about. “Are you sure?”<br/> … Maybe we can. Let’s try tomorrow, shall we?<br/> “Yay yay YAY!!!”

Thanks for taking the time to read this, I'm sorry I'm a little (lot) late.

Honestly, I've been writing this story for since this prompt came out, so I've been working hard to make it better than my previous ones :)

I'd really appreciate some CC from you guys!

/r/WritingPrompts Thread