[WP] After 'death', you are reincarnated. To your surprise, you discover that your original body is still alive.

I have never been a believer, in anything really, god, religion, life after death, it all seemed rather foolish.

Come to think of it, I thought this was a dream, this "out of body" experience, or however people call it. I remember only fragments. The cold coronas, my Chevy keys and the burn in my chest. But I had to wake up sometime.

"Good to see you awake, you have been unconscious for 2 days. Can you tell me your name?"

My vision was still fuzzy, the nurse looked almost as if she was enjoying dangling her flashlight in my eyes.

Can you please stop that. Trevor Lee

"I'm sorry, what did you say?"

Trevor Lee

"Should we contact Trevor Lee for you?"

*I am Trevor Lee, I'm telling you my name"

"I'm sorry Sir, your license reads Michael Campbell"

Before I could argue this misunderstanding another flashback came to memory, the other car had a car seat. Without hesitating I scream at the nurse to see if the kid is doing fine.

"I'm terribly sorry sir."


"Sir, your daughter didn't make it"

She isn't mine, those were the words I tried to blurb out before crying out. With all the pain still in my body I stand up and walk, hoping to see the father whose poor girl's life I took. But walking by the window I see him in the reflection, my daughter's is the life I took.

The poor bastard was me, everything became clear, memories from my childhoods. You see, I awoke as Campbell's but I crashed as Lee. I was now back at my old body, my old life, but how could it be? Campbell was a dream I had as a kid, it wasn't real, everyone told me I was crazy. Campbell should have died of a concussion before his daughter was born, that's the way it happened in my dream, the reason I started drinking, I lost my only friend if he was even that.

But now I was really dead, maybe Trevor was an error from higher up but he was gone, I was gone. Slowly every recall from my second life as Trevor is disappearing, I don't know what more to write about anymore. My poor angel's life was taken by a poor drunk who appears to be me, and with his pulse also faded any memento I had from his life.

I write this note so that we will never forget, Sincerely, myself Trevor Lee and Michael Campbell

I only wish that it makes sense, it's 3:40am and I didn't erase, proofread anything. Anyways I liked the idea.

/r/WritingPrompts Thread