[WP] At age 18 each person meets their soul-mate. For centuries everyone has fallen in love with theirs. You're the first person to not love yours.

Fresh spring breezes cut through my shirt, sending chills down my spine. The sun was shining warm, and the first blades of grass began to grow green from the beds of their predecessors. 'Perhaps it was too early for just a t-shirt, after all.' Alexander thought. He pressed on, already half way to the florist, and it was his last chance to make this visit before his 18th birthday- or the Anima Amico, as it was called. His partner-to-be was due to arrive- to pop into his life- sometime within the next 48 hours. Very, very rarely was one late in meeting their Anima Amico. Alexander arrived outside of the florist- which doubled as a movie rental store- and took a step inside. The parlour was well lit, painted a sky-blue colour, and smelled like freshly tilled earth. Annette was behind the counter, arranging a floral pattern. She glanced up as the door opened, and smiled ear-to-ear. Dignified wrinkles, grey hair, wide smile. Alexander always remembered her to look like this, as though time had stopped working its peculiar alchemy on her, as soon as he'd been old enough to remember her face. "Annette! How have you been?" Alexander asked pleasantly. "Quite well! You ought to have called ahead, Alex, I could have prepared something special!" She chastised gently. "Oh, I know that you already have my idea prepared. We both know my mother has a love for gossip." Alexander said light heartedly, "One white rose with red tips, full stem, please, Annette." She pulled the item from behind the counter, where a vase was likely hiding it. "You're right about your mother. Just last week I asked her for advice on catching Mr. W's attention- both of our Anima Amico's passed away years ago- and I thought we could be a comfort to each other... Well now the whole town knows!" Alexander chuckled. "Yes, all three hundred of us." Annette huffed in frustration. 'Small town mentalities' Alexander thought wryly. "But listen to me, carrying on about myself! Tomorrow's your eighteenth, isn't it?" Alexander nodded.

If you'd like more I could continue, given interest.

/r/WritingPrompts Thread