[WP] "You have all the signs of potentially being a powerful Magical Girl." "...but I'm a guy."


"That's right-puchuu!"

"But I'm a dude."

"I can see that-puchuu."

Me and the monkeylike creature in front of me stared at each other for a while. It--Octavius was it's name, apparently, adjusted it's tie. "This is awkward for me as well-puchuu."

I flop down on the cough, exasperated. "So lemme get this straight--I, Alex Moore, am supposed to be a magical girl, and fight monsters in order to--"

"Restore the balance of peace and love in the universe, yes-puchuu." the creature cuts me off, its squeaky voice going deadpan. "Look, man, I don't pick who get chosen, I'm just your messenger-puchuu."

"Well I don't accept--I mean, you seriously expect me to prance around in a dress and shout magical spells?"

The creature lunges for me and grabs onto my shoulders, looking manic. "Listen Alex, I have kids-puchuu! This is my last chance-puchuu! If you don't come with me I'm gonna lose my job-puchuu!"

Well shit, that's heavy. I peel Octavius off of my shirt and hold him at arms length. "Fine, Fine, I'll do it."

"I owe you my life, man-puchuu! All you need to do is hold up that soulstone and shout the magic words!"

I sigh and do as he says. A bright flash of light blinds me.

I look down at the smouldering crater of what was once a Devourer, cracking my knuckles. "What're we looking at, Octavius?"

"All targets destroyed-puchuu! No casualties reported-puchuu! Spiritual resonance has begun, and the Ward is successfully collapsing!" a familiar voice squeaks through my headset.

This job's way more fun than I thought it'd be--flying, fighting monsters, saving people...Hell, with my powers as strong as they are, I'm a super hero even among super heroes.

Sometimes I almost forget that I'm in a dress.

/r/WritingPrompts Thread