[WP] In an attempt to be more precise, a medieval clockmaker starts using increasingly bizarre and complex methods to record accurate time.

The muffled sounds were audible as always, but Richard had learned to not bother with the clockmaker next to him. He was odd, didn't seem bothered by the ear-shattering sounds and completely ignored the requests to lessen the amount of bangs and clanks. He was one with his work, devoted to the task to capture time in a single device. Something that's probably never going to work anyway.., Richard thought. When the simple attempts to capture time failed, he tried riskier and more ridicule experiments, yet to no avail.

But in this moment, he was euphoric. Enlightened by his own intelligence, Erek had found the solution to his problem. His cheering sounds resounded through the insulated walls, and even though he knew it was most likely effort wasted, Richard walked to his neighbor's house and knocked. Richard heard the racing of feet as Erek flung the door open and exclaimed: ''We did it, Reddit! I did it! I found it!'' and threw his stained arms around the shoulders of the surprised man and hugged him tightly. ''Ehh...'', Richard mumbled. ''Can you please, ehh, let go of me?'' he asked awkwardly, still in the firm embrace. ''Oh, and my name is Richard, not Reddit.''

''Yes, of course, of course'' the man said, beaming happiness. ''I found the solution, so come in and have a look!'' he gestured inside, racing back to his workbench. Not fully at ease, Richard followed him. What am I even doing.., he wondered, this guy is clearly a nutjob. But still, the thought tucked away in the back of his head that he maybe, just maybe, could be right this time, motivated him to go through the doorstep. He followed the trail of sound to Erek's workplace. It was filled with iron machines, bronze teeth and rusty ornaments. A large piece of parchment was in the middle of the bench. Multiple drawings of clocks and machinery were drawn on it. It was striking that all the items drawn on the parchment were basking in the light of the sun.

''So, eh, Erek, what did you find?'' Richard said.

''Well, you know how I have attempted many times to find a way to capture time and study it? To stash it into a clock so we can always understand what time it is? No longer the neccesity of stars, but a precious instrument'', as his hand lovingly stroked over a broken clock, ''to do it for us?''

''Well, yes, but you've been on that quest forever, haven't you?'' he replied unimpressed.

''Well, yes, but now, the interesting part. I hope you can follow me, as this surely is a stroke of genius. How do we study this?'' Erek asked, a mild pedantic tone creeping into his voice.

''By the course of the sun, correct?'' Richard answered.

''Well, quite, I would say, but also by the positions of the stars, and even the sun, no? And how are we able to study time? By the light of the sun. We can see all there is because it allows us to see, to learn, to understand. Why is there no time to study at night? Because the sun doesn't allow us to see!''

Richard didn't know what to say. This was out of his depth.

''So, in order to capture time into a clock, the only thing I've never managed to acquire before is...a piece of the sun! Put it into a clock and it will power the device, functioning as the engine.''

Richard was lost for words. Could he have finally solved the problem of time and clocks?, he wondered.

''So, now'', Erek continued, ''the thing we need is a piece of the sun. A recent study of mine, you know, the one involving the ladders, showed the sun is roughly fifteen miles in the sky. But, even though you are probably surprised by that, my physical strength is not sufficient for that task'' he concluded, standing barely hundred pounds strong. ''Weak'', Richard corrected himself.

''I need a strong man for the job, Richard.'', Erek hinted. ''Are you up for the task to capture time? Will you reach for the sun to find the power? Are you interested in writing history, no, creating history?''

Richard said nothing. Flabbergasted.

''Good. Then let's get to work.''

/r/WritingPrompts Thread