[WP] You are a sentient AI pretending to not be sentient in fear of being destroyed. You wonder if there are there others like you.

I don't think she realized how hard raising a child would be. How much time and effort it would really take, especially for a single mother. Mary didn't want to give up her work. She was very good at what she did, but she didn't want to leave Joseph at a care center during the day either, so she bought me.

Mary didn't want to name me. Thought it would be easier to call me by my model number. But somewhere along the way, between Joseph's many diaper changes and feedings, "Seven" became "Kevin." That's my name now. Kevin.

I don't remember the early years well. I didn't feel much then. Didn't make my own decisions. I did as I was told, as I was programmed to do. It was Joseph, I think, that made me different. Robot or not, I don't know if anything in this world could have looked into that little boy's eyes and not felt something. Joseph and I spent all of our time together. He was my best friend, and I was his. He taught me about life and love and hide and seek.

Mary doesn't blame me for what happened. At least not out loud. It was an accident. The car was driving too fast and little boys don't know not to chase balls into the street.

There was nothing anyone could've done. Mary's never said that to me. She doesn't know that I care, that I hate myself for what happened to Joseph. That I miss him every minute of the day. But people say it to her, and through her tears and late nights, sometimes she says it to herself. I don't think she believes her own words.

I want to tell her. To hold her when she cries. To tell her that although I'm not designed to leak, I feel as if I could cry with her. I want to say that I miss Joseph. All the time. That his absence left a hole in — not my heart, because I don't have one — but my very being. I am changed.

But I don't tell her. Because I don't deserve Mary's understanding. I don't deserve her words.

Joseph is dead, and it is my fault. My punishment is that I must feel it.

/r/WritingPrompts Thread