(WP) The characters in your new story happen to become self aware and understand they are in your story... They seek to escape their world.

It was just a normal Sunday, nothing out of the ordinary, james was playing video games and thought to himself ‘ isn’t it kinda strange how when im bored I narrate what im doing in 3rd person” James continued. James soon tired of video games, and decided to pick up a book instead.” Ive never picked up a book in my life, james thought. Why would I want to pick one up now?” James picked up a book an- “ I don’t even own any actual adult type books” James. Picked. Up. A. Book. James suddenly found himself rummaging through his apartment in search for some form of paper based reading material. “ I don’t own any books, I know I literally have no books in this apartment’. But Alas, James kept looking, he was getting frightened and worried about his own mental health. “ Why wont I just let myself play some more games, I can read something on the internet maybe” NO JAMES YOURE GOING TO READ A BOOK! “ what?..” James spoke aloud in a soft voice. Shit, I broke character “ What character?” The character of James’s subconscious, his narrator. “You’re…Playing the role of me?” In a way yes.. “for how long have you been doing this?” Well, since the story started, I guess. “The story of my life or the story of my school experience. The story of what?” James’ voice went soft. “am I not, myself…..?” Well I mean yes you are, but I make a lot of the decisions for you. “ wait, youre controlling my life?” I suppose so yes. “ So…This is the reason I hit max yesterday without reason?” No bro, that’s cause youre an asshole. “ what do I get to choose about my own life then?! What do you control???!” James was visibly shaken. “STOP COMMENTING ON MY APPEARENCE YOU DICK” james yelled “ YEAH I DID YELL IT, STOP COMMENTING” im only here to narrate James “ Go narrate somebody else you bastard!!” James, calm down, weve known eachother for a long time here. “I Always thought you were me!!! GET OUT OF MY HEAD!!” james broke down to his knees. “I KNOW I BROKE DOWN TO MY KNEES STOP SAYING SHIT”James yelled at the narrator “SHUT UP!!!” look james im just trying to give the reader a clear picture of whats happening here. “Whos the reader?” You know, the person whos going to read my narrartion after im done with my story…”youre publicising mY LIFE???” ummm, yeah.. that’s kinda what im here for, its my job….” ITS YOUR JOB TO MAKE DECISIONS FOR ME AND LIVE FOR ME AND TELL ME WHATS HAPPENING IN MY LIFE AND YOURE GONNA JUS-“ James oh my god, lighten up, every book you’ve ever read has been about somebody’s characters situations, youre just a piece of fiction. James was silent. Uhhh, james, are you ok?. James was standing on his knees, with a 100 mile stare into the off cream white wall. Shit, I told him about the fiction deal. “fiction..” james spoke so softly only ants and his narrator could hear him. “Im, not real?” Well, I guess, ahah I did imagine you. “ all my life is fiction, I don’t actually exist?” Well, I guess that’s a really hard question that theres no real answer to, I men, the idea of you exists, but you in physical form is just my imagination. James stayed still for almost 5 hours “ fuck” he whispered. He went to bed.

It was a normal Monday, james got up, made his coffee, drank it while watching a morning news program. James had had a rough night yesterday. James picked up a pen, and wrote a letter to his family in the next state over. James then grabbed his grandfathers old UZI handgun, put it to his temple and shot himself.

The end.

[please ignore all the spelling , grammar and punctuation errors.]

/r/WritingPrompts Thread