[WP] You draw the short straw amongst your buddies to walk down to the pizza joint to pickup food, but when you get there its not even open, you walk back to your friend's house to deliver the bad news only to find it an abandoned run-down house.

As I approached the pizza shop, the lights were flickering inside like a horror scene from an old movie. I glanced around and saw the sign: "Sorry! We're closed". This isn't the first time my friends have pulled a bullshit prank on me.

I was the youngest of the group, and the most gullible, so I guess it was only fair they chose me as the subject of terrible jokes. I was friends with the three most horror-loving fanatics that anyone had known, and it was always funny to them to scare me with pranks. If only the pranks and jokes were still scaring me.

I turned around and walked back to my house. The wind was brisk, sending chills down my spine as I walked. I had figured that the pizza would've warmed me up as I walked, so I didn't bring my jacket. I felt incompetent and idiotic walking around North Dakota without a jacket, but I thought the trip wouldn't be so bad.

I turned the corner of Oak and Lily where our rundown, 60's styled house was. My nose was running faster than I was walking at this point, and I couldn't wait to be warm again. I walked along and got to the end of our street, turning to face the house.

But suddenly it was dark inside. The chimney wasn't blowing smoke, the kitchen light was flickering similarly to the one in the pizza shop and I began to think.

Maybe this wasn't a prank after all.

/r/WritingPrompts Thread