[WP] One of the nicest, selfless people in the world inadvertently triggers World War III.

The smoke that filled the room made Ian's eyes water and the explosion temporarily deafened him. Pushing the chair off his legs and attempting to stand, Ian was met with two sets of glaring eyes looking intently towards him through the fresh hole on the other side of the room.

"Stand up." The man on the right said with a heavy Asian accent.

"I was actually working on that already in wh-" The humorous statement was interrupted by the report of a gun and the splintering of wood as a thumb sized hole appeared in the table besides Ian.

As he stared at the smoking gun held by the second man Ian couldn't help but reflect on what led to this state of affairs...

Everything had been going smoothly on the world stage. Following the changes in power that had been occurring over the last few years it seemed like world peace was on the verge of becoming a reality. There was one up and coming leader of a small middle eastern nation who was actually on his way to a Nobel Peace Prize.

He was fairly distinguishable due to the fact this leader was missing his left arm. Born in a war zone and put in a position so many other unfortunate children had. Living through it all made him vow to devote his life to keeping such atrocities from reoccurring in his homeland or any others. Giving everything he owned to others, they gave back and made him their unanimously elected leader. He spent his prime years in leadership building up relations with the United Nations and with the neighboring country who had been the antagonist in the war of his childhood. They are militaristic people with ties to both China and North Korea. His last agenda while in power was to sign a peace treaty with them.

On that fateful day, as he was walking on stage and approached the other countries leader, for whatever reason his footing was lost. As he fell he instinctively reached out with his one good arm, shoving the other delegate. Not being prepared this ended with both men sent to the ground. What happened next was all a blur. An anxious young soldier/bodyguard from the militaristic country took this as an act of aggression and fired upon the downed peacemaker, who's entourage fired back in return. It all degenerated into a whirl of chaos. Secondary command took over shortly after, allies were called to reinforce and bolster forces in lieu of rising hostilities.... and just like that that leader. Peace was given a swift end, and then the world fell into war.

/r/WritingPrompts Thread