[WP] The Protagonist of A Video Game Realizes That the Player is Modding the Game

The three observe the scene that lays in front of them; it does not look good.

"Fuck," Trevor laments, exhausted. "Boys, it's begginin' to look like option C may've been a little fuckin' better, huh? When the fuck did we start doin' things quitely anyways?" The anger slowly steadily building, he continues, "Might as well come in fuckin' smokin' if you're gonna have to shoot your god damn way out!"

"Shit bro, it ain't gonna' do us no good bitchin' about it now," Franklin quickly retorts.

Michael, nearest to the stairs, can hear their deadly welcoming committee getting closer every second. In an effort to to get everyone focused on a solution, he exclaims, "None of it is gonna matter if we don't make it out of this building! We probably have 100 fucking fucks out there ready to fuck us! So, if i may please suggest something," the sarcasm thick in his tone, "we need to come up with a solution, or else we're fuckin' dead. Franklin! What's goin on outside?"

Franklin gazes out the 2nd story window of the bank, clutching his RPG. "A fuckin' bad day. That's what. We got about 20 cop cars, a god-damn wall a' pigs behind every single one those motherfuckas. We got at least 3 helicopters," he suddenly stops his list for a brief moment.. "And a giant motherfuckin' macho man randy savage?" he continues, obviously perplexed.

"Uhh, do u mind repeating that last one?" Trevor says, thinking he is being a smart-ass. Clearly there's not a "giant macho man randy savage" outside, right?

"A giant, 15 feet tall, macho man randy fuckin' savage!" He replies, much more confidently; though, no less confused.

Trevor sprints to the window; hoping for a very poorly timed punchline. Upon seeing the truth, for once in his life, Trevor had nothing to say.

"You fuckin' see, man?"

"Yeah, i fuckin' see."

Michael, quite throughout this exchange, jumps back in. "Guys, that huge macho man may not even be our biggest problem."

Trevor and Franklin both just stare inquisitively at Michael, wondering what he could possibly be talking about.

Michael continues his thought while intently surveying the situation downstairs from behind the spacious office's large, sturdy desk, "Well, unless im hallucinating, motherfucking zombies are coming in the front!"

"Fucking zombies?!" Franklin yells. "I ain't gonna fuck wit' no zombies!"

"Start spraying those motherfuckers!" Trevor now yells at Michael as he starts to run in that direction.

Michael quickly raises his gun over the desk, aims at the closes pack of meandering, menacing zombies. He pulls the trigger and... a fucking car smashes into the first wall of zombies.

"What the fuck?" Michael says as he struggles with what he just witnessed materialize from the tip of his

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