[WP] There exists a subreddit that is accessible only by the "random" button. On a day of mindless browsing, you become the first person to ever reach r/TheVoid. There you find a single text post entitled, "Welcome."

There are places best left forgotten. The day I hit the Void the first time, it just said Welcome and nothing else. I was one of ~1 user(s) here, and the lone post had no username by submitter. So I ignored it. The second time I hit the Void, I can't really tell you why it was. I browsed random again, and, though I'd like to convince myself I was just bored and aimlessly clicking away, truth is I think I was half expecting to stumble upon it again. And I did, and now I was one of ~2 user(s) here, and there was another post under the Welcome post and it read; "Help Me". I clicked and it was nothing. Just "Help Me" and nothing else. So I ignored it. The third time was the same night, and this time I clicked away furiously and fully admitting to myself that I was looking for the Void, because, well, frankly, you don't get over this kind of spookiness just like that. Took me an hour and a half, but there it was. Welcome. Help Me. Do Not Fall Asleep. That last one, posted 2 minutes ago. By me, again. I figured I'd try and answer it, so I did answer myself like this; "who are you?" And a few minutes later came the reply, "Check the username." And so I did. I don't know why I didn't think to do that sooner, but I'm glad I did, because the hours leading up to the moment I read that username were the last of relative sanity I've yet experienced. The username. It was /u/psycho_alpaca posting. I checked my post history and there was nothing. Still, clear as day, it was my own username on TheVoid, talking back to me. And I refreshed, and it said, "Also check the date", and his posts didn't read "Submitted one minute ago", or "two minutes ago", or "a month ago", but they all read "submitted two days from now." In a rate of several typos a word on account of the shaking, I posted, "What is going on?" but got no answer other than: psycho_alpaca [score hidden] two days from now Do not fall asleep. And it just kept repeating that. A new post every second, the exact same post: do not fall asleep, from two days from now, and I panicked and I closed the tab and I went to wash my face. I decided this was stupid, and some kind of prank, and I tried to go on with business as usual. Still, that first night, I couldn't sleep. The second one, though, I could, and that's when I realized. How much I should have listened to myself, that is. Because I woke up now. I'm up and about and I'm conscious, but where I am is… Well, it's dark and it's nothing. No senses. No smells, no sounds, no wind, no nothing. I'm just…here. Existing somewhere I don't know where, though I think I could guess, if I was brave enough to face the truth. The truth that my username asking me to fall asleep had a point. The truth that this where I am now might be The Void. I'm not sure I'm actually communicating even now. Far as I know these are just thoughts in my head, but something tells me… Something tells me it's more than that. Something tells me someone might be reading these words as a post, coming from somewhere in the midst of this darkness. So, if you stumbled across this, hey, I'm not sure exactly how you can help me, because I'm trapped inside a place I don't even understand. But maybe I can help you. Maybe I can help you, if, God forbids, you found this through random. If that's the case, let me give you a piece of advice: Don't fall asleep.

/r/WritingPrompts Thread