[WP] Two suicidal people happen to meet on the same bridge to jump. Rather than joining together, they each try to convince the other not to jump while justifying why they themselves should jump.

I closed my eyes and took a breath. The rusty rail felt cold under my fingers and the stray sharp pieces of metal cut my hands. I got the box out of under my jacket and prepared to drop it. Then someone came behind me. They pulled my jacket backwards and I fell. "What are you doing?" It was a girls voice. I did not want her to see me. She would turn me into jail. I would stay there for life, nobody would even ask why I did it. "What does it look like?" I cried. "Why would you do that?" "Stop, think." She said. "I did this, I tried. I lived. Now I have to try again. And you cant do it. Nothing is worth a life. Nothing, kid!" "I did something. I cant take it back and nobody can see me. So I..." "What did you do?" "My lips are zipped." "Nothing is worth a life!" "I KNOW!" I screamed. "I know! If nothing is worth a life then... three is worth ten times me!" "Murder?" "Why are you here?" "Well, Ella, my family they all died." "You don't even get it, do you? I'm living with a weight on my shoulder. I'm living with a killer's voice inside my head! And that voice is me!!" " My sister, her last words were... that it was my fault. It WAS my fault. I was engaged. He was wonderful. I thought I was in love. Till I fell ill. He said that I was a monster. My mom she chased him for years... He found her. He shot her. He came for us. So I ran and then I... tried to kill myself. It didn't work. So here I am." "How did you know my name?" "You don't care do you?" "No I don't understand." "All you care about is how I know your name. Well, I heard about you on the news You killed your family, but why?" I took a deep breath. "If I tell you to, will you let me jump??" "Yes, but you wont." I chuckled coldly. "My mom and dad they went missing I set up traps for if the people came for me and when my mom and dad came back. It was them. They did not want me, they wanted me dead. They thought that I was after them, so I did it myself." "What about the third person?" "I found her dead on the street, and so I set up the crime scene." "Why?" "Because the third person will be myself." "What's in the box?" "My note." My story. Is what it really was, at the bottom was my note, at the very bottom was the word Ferrin. That was my name. The name I was given and the name that my family gave me. The name that I killed. I grabbed the bars and slid my onto the side. I dropped the box. The girl scribbled something onto her hand and her arm and her legs and all over her face and all over herself. I couldn't. I needed to know what it said. "What did you write?" "Can not tell you." She huffed. Then she slid on the side. I slid away from the water and onto the road. "Bye." The girl toppled down and the last thing she did was grab the box and sunk. I jumped. The last thing I realized was that it said. Ferrin. I grabbed the side and lived the rest of my life for her. And they let me all because they read the box. And the voice in my head vanished...

/r/WritingPrompts Thread