Up until recent centuries, explanations for the existence of mankind and all creatures on earth had been explained through dogmatic creationist theories promoted by organized religion and accepted as fact. But these theories are wishful thinking. Scientific inquiry has realized this. Charles Darwin, at a loss to resolve these questions, was resolutely resolved to find a new resolution. Darwin was greatly influenced by uniformitarianism, the idea that the earth is being constantly shaped and reshaped by natural forces over time. He studied changes in various plants, fossil animals, and pigeons, after which he decided these various organisms were not created at one specific point, but were developed in relation to each other over time. He explained these evolutionary ideas through the theory of natural selection, which he jointly presented to the Linnaean Society of London with Alfred Russel Wallace in 1858. These ideas set the foundation for new ways of observing the natural world. If we assume that any living thing is continuously changing in accordance with a continuously changing environment, then it's safe to say that no living thing can reach a final stage or form. If a creature remains the same for eons, it means there was no necessity for change, not that it is unchangeable. So with this in mind, a science of classifying biological organisms called taxonomy was developed. It's assumed that humans fall under the order of primates, and that we most especially share distant ancestry with anthropoids; a suborder of primates including monkeys, apes and ourselves. An organism's struggle against the pitiless elements naturally selects for a more adept creature with greater reproductive success. The theory of natural selection says that every species is diverse with some members possessing more favorable traits than others. These traits are inherited by the offspring who are more fruitful because of them. They propagate these favorable traits, making them more common, and differentiating them from other populations and species. But, sometimes traits occur by chance in a single individual by way of mutation; an error in the duplication processes of the DNA, changing the sequencing and causing new traits to be expressed. If these new traits are advantageous they can be inherited and propagated just like any other favorable trait. Climatic changes caused by continental drift from the Paleocene to the early Eocene eras created the environments that allowed our primate ancestors evolve. Large deciduous trees with fruits and seeds and flowering plants became common. In these wooded environments, insects thrived as well. Survival in this environment emphasized sight over smell. These arboreal primates developed forward facing eyes with stereoscopic vision which allowed better spatial judgement and made it easier to catch their prey. Prehensile hands and feet along with more dexterous limbs and especially thumbs also helped catch their buggy prey and become more mobile in the trees. Similar morphological traits shared between us humans and the modern hominoids of today include our dexterous and long limbs with a greater range of movement in the wrists, shoulders and elbows. We all frequently use suspensory locomotion, and we all occasionally move bipedally. Our dentition points to an omnivorous diet with the relative lack of specialization. We have canines for chewing meat, and large molars with strong enamel for grinding seeds and grains. Darwin's theory of natural selection and evolution can be seen everywhere. The more we study the past, the more examples we have of his theories in action, and the less likely creationist ideas seem realistic.

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