Yes this is actually a report made by the EU (link in the comments)

TLDR: We acknowledge that humor is an effective way to combat the status quo, and we understand that humor only works when it finds popular appeal through emotions that've been repressed. However, the far right seems to think if something's funny that excuses its being said, and they are using humor to actively participate in dialogue and challenge the narrative and this sort of humor makes people uncomfortable. If you find these memes funny you're basically redpilled(no shit this is an argument they make on page 9).

If they keep making controversial jokes, it may end up that nothing is off limits. We understand that normally we like challenging traditional norms and being provocative on everything else, but conservatives doing it to us should be banned. To fight this, people should be educated on what's funny and report what's inappropriate to make jokes about. Since they'll probably make fun of us too, we need to bandwagon off progressive social media influencers(page 13) because if we don't this will probably lead to another Holocaust.

/r/PoliticalCompassMemes Thread Link -