In your experience, are you compatible or incompatible with your opposite sign?

Cancer sun (but cancer gemini cusp), aries moon, lots of gemini and sag in my chart. Im the cancer that needs a lot of stimulation and space, but loves to cuddle lol. I dated an aries for 4 years when I was young and stupid, it ended BADLY and we basically fought 24/7. Dated a scorpio sag cusp (on the sag end) and loved the fucking shit out of him; didnt work out for reasons unrelated to our relationship and we had an amazing relationship. Normally I cannot stand scorpios- I find them way too intense and sort of psychotic. I have never ended up friends with a single one, if that says anything. I enjoy talking to pieces but the airy fairy aspect of that sign bothers me, and they're majorly clingy. I've never really been friends with another cancer, they're too closed off. I dated leo once and found him infuriating with his need to look good/be the best all the time. I had a FWB with capricorn and it was AWESOME (!) although a bit boring as he was a real homebody, but then I can also be a homebody so I didn't mind too much. We got along really well as friends, but I don't think theres enough passion for a relationship. My mom is an aquarius with a cancer moon and we're extremely close; we have really great intellectual understanding between us and she is just a lovely human being all the way around. Two of my best friends are libras born sept 24 and 28.., one I've been friends with for 19 years, and I'm now dating a libra born sept 27 and its really great, in my opinion. He actually gets my need for space but he's also super affectionate and really chill. My other really notable friends are a virgo (sept 1) who I LOVE, a gemini, a sag, and a leo. Anything but aries, lol. :)

It was always confusing to me until I discovered my other aspects.

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