You're not polyamourous, you're just selfish and horny.

So if it's only 'real love' when you are able to let go of your own selfish desires, maybe some people see the need to control their partners sex life as one of those selfish desires that they want to let go of or don't even feel because they love that person?

Polyamourous person here, respect to some of the people here answhering with such patience and sincerity while being lowkey insulted. I don't have the nerve fot this right now. Why is it so hard let everyone be happy on their own accords? There may be levels on which I will never truly understand the feelings of a strictly monogamous person but that doesn't mean I feel the need to write an essay about how people who have different rules than me in their relationships can not feel the 'superior, true love' that I feel. Like, the fuck?!

/r/unpopularopinion Thread