YouTube demonetizes entire Chanel without warning and leaves no way for the channel to contact them

I kinda laugh when I see the "dedicate hours" of making a YouTube video. Pre 2010, yeah making YouTube videos took some talent. With the recent surge of tech, and standards of quality, making a YouTube video is about as easy as making a cup of coffee depending on what you're making. 80% of youtubers that complain (I made that percentage up) about the demonetization don't realize that the bar standards for YouTube videos has been raised again. I don't want to hear about all these vloggers boo-hooing that YouTube is demonetizing their videos any more. Youtubes financial and ad economy cannot support everybody getting a paycheck for simply talking in front of a camera with drag and drop editing. You best believe that YouTube has data analyzers looking to see if certain audiences respond or purchase a product after seeing an ad. From a subscriber, etc. If you have an entire audience that isn't buying products, then unfortunately you're kind of pointless and a wasted investment for whoever is running ads on your channel. Why would YouTube waste money on all of these minecraft/fortnite channels when the target audience isn't reacting to the ads?

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