YouTube is taking down conspiracy theorist channels and popular gun videos

Holy shit, what the fuck happened to this thread in the last few hours? Are you two joking? I'm being serious, you actually think someone bought a completely worthless account with no karma and no posts so they could "defend Google" by pointing out the dude had a conspiracy theory? ImOffended accused me of being that account 5 hours ago, because he's a pathetic ass.

Look at his replies to me "I was going to reply, but now I'm not because you were mean." Yea, except I wasn't mean and he was never going to reply, that's why he made such a showing of "I was going to reply, but not now!!" instead of just replying.

Look at his replies looking for sources or evidence, everything from "I already provided evidence in my comment," (he didn't) to "It's so obvious to anyone paying attention I don't need evidence." (he does)

Immediately jumping to attempting to paint me as a conspiracy theorist wasn't exactly the way to spark my desire to spend any effort on a response.

It's at this point looking at his +7 that I am convinced this sub is either in on the joke or trolling the rest of the thread. He QUITE LITERALLY wrote a conspiracy theory. His theory could be 100% factual and IT'S STILL A CONSPIRACY THEORY. This comment was -3 last I checked, and rightfully so. He wrote a conspiracy theory, someone pointed that out, and he got super salty about the person's lack of post history, because that matters. If there's an alternative viewpoint on how that went down I'd love to hear it.

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