Zelensky: "Regarding NATO, I lost interest in this issue after we realized that NATO is not ready to accept Ukraine. The alliance is afraid of contradictory things and confrontation with the Russian Federation."

Is there a term that describes something being the cause of their own concerns? And can someone who causes their own concerns, then use those concerns to justify acting immorally?

Like, can I justify being a dick to my neighbour, because they joined a local group that was formed by other neighbours all aimed at recording and stopping my anti social behaviour?

After all, my neighbour is clearly going against me, ignore the fact the group was started purely because of my actions, the fact I kept beating people up on my street, dumping my rubbish in their gardens and so on.

How fucking dare they start a group to stop the spread of my unwanted behavior.

/r/worldnews Thread Parent Link - ua.interfax.com.ua