What is something you´ll never forgive your parents for?

Dad - divorcing mom. She didn't want a divorce and it left us with a stressed, lonely, distracted, poor maternal figure. Then later we got a shitty step father. Also it meant Dad not being in our lives nearly as much.

These days, he's retired and not doing anything but still can't make the time to visit us and his grandkids.

Mom - remarrying an odious man. All the warning signs were there, she should have known better.

My grades ranged from As to C's, depending on how much I liked the teacher. My mom was a honor roll Dean's list sort. Threw a fit over every report card, screaming, name calling, throwing things at me. But never did anything in between report cards to coax me to do the work or study.

When I told her I'd been molested she made me go and tell the cops. I get where she's coming from, but I should have had a say in how to handle my experience.

I was bulimic in high school. It was obvious as could be, but she never noticed.

/r/AskWomenOver30 Thread