135 words Serious good praxis question: How can leftists successfully reach out to the depressed, disaffected, and vulnerable people that the chuds recruit from? 136 words Lone Grey Wolf thread 171 words The discreet terror of the American bourgeoisie: Elites thought they could have it both ways: capital gains and moral certainty 120 words You can dunk on the alt-right without debating them! 127 words Psycho - Conservatism, someone came up with a new term for Peterson, Haidt and all the other evo-psychology CHUDs on twitter 127 words Diversity is "backed by absolutely nothing whatsoever and aimed at correcting the mistakes of the past by committing the most egregious acts of racism and sexism they can think of." Lmao 207 words Thomas Sankara did NOTHING wrong. 111 words This Christmas, let us remember 115 words Stop bringing up Gamergate! 112 words Arguing on Facebook with alt-lite/right peeps 174 words Chomsky thinks Prince Harry's new wife could "shake up" the monarchy because she liked his book 382 words This subreddit is getting dragged on Twitter 385 words Video Games Are Destroying the People Who Make Them 236 words /r/KiA gets triggered by the Wolfestein promo video of Nazis getting rocked 186 words Miyazaki, go on chapo 307 words Sanders makes true claim. WaPo analysis: three pinochios 242 words Can we all agree that Hugh Hefner was a piece of shit? 417 words A rant about CTH's place in media & activism (aka get off my lawn bro kids) 420 words Chapo Book House! The Conquest of Bread Discussion thread. 268 words I'm kinda tired of people saying awful bullshit Trump does is "un-american".