Chomsky thinks Prince Harry's new wife could "shake up" the monarchy because she liked his book

I’m 20 and short of shitty school books that couldn’t capture my interest I’ve never really read a book. Today I started reading “Ready Player One” maybe it’s not the best book, I don’t know much about writing but it’s the only one that’s ever made me excited. I can’t believe I didn’t start earlier, for the first time in my life I’m struggling to put something down after starting it. I’m getting drawn into what will happen next and I’m already making prediction about what will happen This is awesome I totally get why people read now. Just wanted to get that out there Edit: well this blew up. As much as I’d like to reply to everyone I just don’t have time for that. I’d just like to thank everyone for their kind words and suggestions. I’ll be sure to update you guys with what books I read next and what I do and do not like

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