Arguing on Facebook with alt-lite/right peeps

Im currently in process of radicalizing a very reactionary, very extreme right wing upper class neighborhood in TX via a fb group.

they built up a lot of infrastucure. Basically, they bully people who disagree w them w extremely online chuds. Ive had at least 1 person threaten me w violence.

i started by not trying to engage them via debate. Youre not going to convince a cultist. I dont think ive hit the formula by any means, but ive started making progress.

  1. Dont let them spout their bullshit unopposed.

  2. Dont debate them w reason. Its a trap.

  3. Get the normies on your side

  4. Dont fall into liberal traps (bipartisanship)

  5. Never stop posting

/r/ChapoTrapHouse Thread