422 words Passive aggressive FIL 193 words My sister in law is a dumb, self entitled bitch from a broken family. Seeking advice 116 words How to take care of my *very* challenging mother? 301 words My mother sent my a happy birthday card but then wrote inside how she wanted to die the night before she sent it 399 words My mother thinks she is trying to be helpful, even when I ask her not to do something she still does. Should I just let it go? 181 words How to let SIL babysit LO when she hates me? 627 words I love my boyfriends family more than he does. 187 words Should I cut off my extended family for good after years of trauma? ADVICE WANTED PLS! 231 words I need to escape my emotionally abusive family 195 words Liberal woman with newly far-right parents 321 words Coping with JNfamily with Chronic Illness 220 words My parents tried to claim me as a dependent 180 words The Time When SIL Live-Tweeted Grandma's Death... 261 words Aunt tells me I’m not girly enough to own the makeup collection I do. 138 words UPDATE JNmom regifted gift back to me. 155 words Huge argument with mum (F55) and brother (M30). I (F31) don’t think I’m in the wrong but now we aren’t talking and I feel sick with sadness. Advice please. 128 words Biological dad gone all 26ys of my life until a week ago, then he and my mom flirt like nothing happened. 165 words I told my parents our wishes for the birth of our twins and my dad made a scene. 730 words While I’m Already Angry.. 188 words My Daughter Disowned my Grandson