145 words How to transition to mgtow from a relationship 193 words Not related to mgtow 154 words Curious questions! 162 words Women have ridiculous standards on dating sites because there are 1000's of simps willing to date them. 192 words Don't worry, MGTOW. Marriage is great. Derskull's parents have been happily married for over 20 years! 261 words What shocked you most about women? 174 words Anyone wish the blue pill is actually right? 218 words Does anyone else feel a certain sense of poetic justice to the women that wonder, "where have all the good men have gone?" 800 words (Batsh#t insane) Leah Finnegan, in her function as a psychopath, reminds the few remaining men to stay the hell away from women 504 words Neil DeGrasse Tyson Accused of Raping a Former Student 205 words Don’t be a nice guy 1,453 words Why feminism and the path of Women in the West is inherently unsustainable. 187 words why bitching about women on this sub is necessary 198 words The dilemma between MRA and MGTOW 283 words How I sleep knowing my ex is going to hit the wall and I have no permanent connection to her 212 words Michael Moore proposes that gun sales to men require permission from their wife or girlfriend. 356 words Woman takes selfies with all the men who allegedly catcalled her in a single month 325 words Judge: "I accept he was consenting - what 15-year-old schoolboy would turn down such an attractive offer?" 327 words MGTOW beyond a life of anger? 197 words Man discovers her GF just settled with him because he is very convenient, although not attractive or sexy like Chads she used to fuck. /r/relationships wymyn and cucks try to bully him into accepting that's "true love"