121 words Anyone else feel cheated by Christmas Eve and Christmas happening on a Saturday and Sunday? 112 words Does malware disappear after erasing a phone? 191 words Morgan Freeman once said in an interview that racism would likely die on its own if people just stopped talking about race period. Could this be plausible? 135 words Does anyone have any advice for a struggling dad? 139 words Can men and woman both get away with this in the work place? 370 words Why are there people worried about low birth rates and population collapse? Isn’t the earth over populated and less people would be better for the environment? 134 words Can men and woman both get away with this in the work place? 152 words Why are trans people talked about so much despite making up only %5 of the population? 293 words Is becoming wealthy and rising out of poverty really as easy as so many entrepreneurs and business experts say it is? 132 words Do you think it’s okay for older guys (35+) to be dating legal teenagers (18/19)? 133 words Why do we have butthair? Why did we evolve to have butthair? I mean the hair around the hole where the fecal matter snakes out of. Does anyone else have their fecies get stuck on this hair? How do ladies deal with this? 152 words How with Reddit’s popularity has a post never broken 500k upvotes? 168 words Why did the US trade Britney Griner for an international arms dealer? 117 words Would you ever forgive someone for cheating? 191 words Returning to your parent for what they've done for you 185 words Is it morally wrong if I nuke a country in order to kill less people during a war? 193 words Why is it that all the news on trans people seem to always revolve around trans-women? 156 words I cynically expect that most everything I see online is some version of fake, manipulated, created with secondary motives, ads, spam, propaganda, corporate spin, paid fraudulent reviews, political steering, emotional manipulation, or blatant lies; how do I regain trust with what's online? 349 words Do men really feel safe walking alone at night? 155 words Why are women workout clothes often skin tight?