Why are trans people talked about so much despite making up only %5 of the population?

“Denigrating a religion” for killing innocent people? Really just shows how low you think of the LGBT if you can’t choose between supporting the killing of innocent people or ‘disrespecting’ a religion in that specific sense when they practically deem LGB(T) as bad or worse than literal child rapists. It doesn’t mean you have to disrespect the whole of Islam, just like how you can say 9/11 was a bad thing, it doesn’t particularly mean that you hate Muslims…

I’ll wait for the day when at least 10% of you Americans and English people realise that most people on earth live in Eastern countries, and the ‘West’ isn’t the central hold of earth. You are picking and choosing specific countries, the ones that personally matter to you and seemingly other Westerners who know nothing about geography, I couldn’t care less if you’re close-minded in that sense.

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