Should've been Bernie

What happened this election wasn't so much about Republicans being on top of their game, rather it was the pathetic decline of the DNC. They've completely lost touch with the common working class man.

The left should lose Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Michigan...these should be solid blue states.

Instead of getting someone who can go out away form the glitzy media and celebrity lovefests of New York and California, and get into the core of America, they went with someone who the working class despise.

Instead of getting a candidate who could talk to people, they got one who was constantly talking down to people.

Instead of caring about the concern of the little man struggling to provide for his family, they decided to focus on issues of utter irrelevance. Naughty words, getting outraged when Trump said "TPP is going to rape America" because he said "rape", all of this identity politics nonsense....none of this wins over people outside the elitist DNC bubble.

They became the party of the Salon and Vox reader, the upper-middle class coastal liberals who care more about virtue signalling around gender pronouns than addressing wealth inequality and the bought politicians who are nothing more than mouthpieces for their donor's demands.

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