179 words r/unpopularopinion takes a shot at people who can't cook, serves up instant drama 208 words r/europe loses their heads over the story of a French teacher being decapitated 167 words r/Republican user posts article claiming "Red states are outperforming blue states economically". Drama ensues between people who believe it, and people who want it to be true but think the math just doesn't check out 152 words Brave user defends the rights of fascists from those evil Antifa, who act like Nazis... to Nazis. 184 words r/Republican grapples with why there is a lot of negativity towards the US on Reddit. Could it be liberal indoctrination? Jealous Europeans? Probably all of the above since America is perfect. 135 words /r/Conservative discusses the debate, it goes about how you expect... 179 words A very heated argument in /r/HarryPotter over whether Dumbledore was a biased prick or not 116 words r/islam is upset that Sudan has ended Islamic law by separating religion and state 119 words Video of woman being arrested for Inciting an Anti-Lockdown protest in Melbourne, Australia causes drama on r/WatchPeopleDieInside and r/JusticeServed 228 words After overnight shooting in Wisconsin, /r/Conservative weighs in on whether protesters deserve to die 167 words r/animemes goes nuclear as the mods set it to private due to doxxing attempts 307 words r/animemes goes nuclear as the mods set it to private due to doxxing attempts 118 words Epic games drama comes to r/videos in a video that among other things is upset over 1984 imagery being used against apple,... 166 words r/Conservative reacts to Trump's interview, goes into damage control. 123 words One Redditor doesn’t seem to like black people doing punk rock. 397 words Pearl clutching in /r/actualpublicfreakouts over whether the BLM movement cares about black-on-black crime 159 words Drama in /r/Kanye after Kanye West announces a 2020 Presidential Campaign and is Endorsed by Elon Musk 114 words r/conservative once again declares their welcome to the LGBT community now r/rightwingLGBT has been banned 136 words Redditors getting mad at female artist in r/pics, name a more iconic duo 195 words r/Shortcells has been banned. Discuss this dramatic happening here.