Is OP an asshole for asking an overweight woman on the bus to move? Discussions of the laws of physics and whether or not overweight people need to pay more ensues.

IN SHORT... my personal opinion:

I don't think the OP was wrong for asking the obese lady to give up her spot for a pregnant lady.

But the OP would be wrong if the obese lady said "No," and then the OP proceeded to argue with her, debate the issue, or try to shame her.

So if that's the case, the OP got angry with the obese lady for not budging...

Then... I think the OP would be much more suave and gallant if he simply responded:

"Ah... ok... I understand. You also need this seat. Very well then..."

OP then turns to the rest of the bus, asking:

"Excuse my fellow ladies and gentleman passengers. Is there anyone on this bus willing to give up their seat for a pregnant lady?"

If he took that more diplomatic approach instead...

I bet he would have gotten several takers!

And he would have seemed like a suave diplomat, rather than a jerk arguing antagonistically with an obese lady, and stressing out people around him.

/r/SubredditDrama Thread