Is a child stripping for adults as part of a drag show child abuse? A few people disagree

Nice to hear an actual drag queen chime in on this. I've asked some drag queens I know what they think of it, and their response has been very similar to yours. In my experience, drag is not overtly sexual, but it is sexual enough that it is no place for a young child. My nephew used to put on women's clothes and makeup and sing Pink songs at home. You put him on stage and have him collecting tips? Yeah, I'd have a big problem with that. I never even heard of this child drag stuff until someone on reddit was using it to claim that LGBT people are pedophiles. But people are gonna hate on us and spread nonsense no matter what we do or say.

With that being said, the queens we know are super classy. My husband and I even asked an ordained queen to perform our wedding, but unfortunately she was moving out of state. Happy Pride, yo!

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