174 words Do I hate 0-11 year olds? Am I a bad teacher? Can I make it in America as a "real" teacher? Give me advice! 180 words No more unpaid labor 207 words What’s one major difference between school now versus when you were a kid? 200 words Rudest Interview Ever 248 words Possible career change into teaching (male teacher) 162 words The education systems in most western countries have issues - what changes will have to happen? 134 words Hints from a Teacher that is an ethnic minority to my liberal colleagues 128 words Are Lectures Really that Bad? 160 words Student threw a desk at me during my observation.... 151 words Resume and Teaching Internationally Help 210 words Is there a job like teaching where maybe you get paid less but the students actually care? Or atleast the majority care. 127 words Lesson idea from today's protests. 133 words Gretchen Whitmer has abandoned Michigan teachers 118 words "Freshmen" is sexist now? 237 words Elementary teachers, how would you rank your preference for teaching the different grades? What do you think are the pros and cons of teaching each grade level? 199 words If you have a parent on your back because they are saying you are not doing this or that for their student, you are probably a much better teacher than they are a parent. 224 words It can be done. 232 words I stood up for myself. 262 words Has anyone here overcome a fear of public speaking to become a teacher? 206 words When students email to say to me "YOU did this thing..."