304 words Emailed a parent to tell her that her son is posting inappropriate things on our classroom and not putting his real name on assignments. Her response? 167 words Grades have ruined learning 156 words The current distance-learning situation has sent already-narcissistic teachers into overdrive, to the point where they are blatantly disregarding the privacy of their students. This has to stop. 193 words We're giving students too much work 129 words I chose to be honest with a student to model boundaries. 189 words [Vent] My state has closed schools for the rest of the academic year. 415 words First year teacher feeling lost. Should I really quit? 137 words WIBTA if I didn’t let two students go to a “district wide taste test”. 214 words I think I’m going to quit tomorrow 222 words The WORST teacher that you ever worked with. 137 words Curbing the "that's gay" comments 177 words Fair evaluation? 144 words One of my (27f) students (17-18m) tries to hold my hand whenever I’m in reaching distance. 234 words What are the differences between teaching at Middle School and High School? 156 words Submitting lesson plans are the biggest waste of time. 218 words The worst part about teaching is that you have to always be "on" 139 words A real education: The plight of teachers I CBS Sunday Morning 121 words Controversial opinion on Inclusion 192 words How do you learn your students' names quickly? (Also how long does it take and how many students!) 148 words For teachers working at schools in lower income areas, what are the most critical gaps in your schools and classrooms? Supplies, nutritious food, something else?